Monday, March 21, 2011

Cookies and Milk for Dinner

Yup, I did it.


I made cookies and let them all eat it for dinner.

Why?  Well because it was Sunday and it was dinner time and I wanted cookies and I was tired and they wanted the cookies and they had a big lunch and I am THAT mom and any other excuse I could come up with Smile.

DSC01170I want them to remember making cookies and having fun together as brothers.  I want to also enjoy that time and not turn into Monster Mommy trying to clean and cook at the same time.  I want Sundays to be about God and rest and family and joy.  So I gave them cookies and milk for dinner.

IMG00013-20110320-1843Don’t worry it won’t happen every Sunday.  Usually we have cheesecake Winking smile.


Linked up to Works For Me Wednesday over at We Are That Family

works for me wednesday at we are that family

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee!! :) I think every mom has done this a time or two. :) Fun memories for the kids. And the grown ups too.


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